Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oct. 17 Class Alternative at UW LAX

Maru Buendía-Sentiés, “Making Films on the U.S.-Mexico Border,” 260 Graff Main Hall, 6-7 PM followed by reception. Free hors d’oeuvres.

Maru Buendía-Sentiés, MFA, is a US-Mexico borderlands filmmaker whose work focuses on human rights and immigration. A recipient of the Cary Grant Film Award (2007) of the Princess Grace Foundation, Buendia-Senties was born in Mexico City and raised on the U.S.-Mexico border. Her award-winning films have been featured in film festivals in Europe and the Americas. Her short film “Bienvenido” (2010) portrays the struggle of a Mexican immigrant to overcome stereotypes. Her 2009 award-winning "Entre Líneas" is a story about two friends—Caroline and Ricardo—who live on different sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Their friendship allows the viewer to perceive at the U.S.-Mexico borderlands culture, conflicts between Mexicans and Mexican Americans, and the universal struggle to maintain and find identity in a multicultural society. Buendia’s presentation will discuss her work and screen 2 short films.

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